Posts Tagged ‘green tomatos’

Green Tomato Chutney


2-3 medium size green tomatoes

1/2 cup toasted sesame seeds, ground to fine powder, a little more

sesame also tastes good (like tahini), use this amount by your choice after a few experiments.

2-3 green chillies

1/4 cup fresh cilantro

1/4 cup jaggery (adjust quantity per taste, since the tomatoes inherently are sour)

salt per taste

for tadka/tempering

2 table spoons oil

Approx couple of pinches of mustard seeds, cumin seeds, asofoetida, curry leaves

Cut the tomatoes in big chunky pieces and set aside. Toast sesame seeds and grind them into fine powder.

Add oil to the pan, once heated add mustard and cumin seeds (pinch of each). Add hing and curry leaves and green chilli pieces. Add cut tomatoes and jaggery and keep the lid and let it cook for few minutes via steam. Only about 5 mins is enough on low-flame. Add fresh cilantro.

Transfer all the contents and sesame powder to a blender and blend into chutney like consistency. The chutney is ready to serve.


By Priya Vaidya